Nonprofit Leadership Transitions: Four Ways Funders Can Support Leaders of Color
After years of underrepresentation, more leaders of color are bringing their considerable talents and lived experiences to CEO and executive director positions in the social sector. This is a win for the sector, given that leaders of color are often proximate to the issues and solutions of the communities that nonprofits serve.
Yet, these leaders often find themselves taking the helm under conditions that are not conducive to their success, lacking the critical supports that would enable them to thrive and flourish. As a result, after years of struggle, these BIPOC leaders are now starting to leave these roles. This is a profound loss for the sector and threatens the progress made in recent years.
Fortunately, funders can help combat this systemic lack of support. This piece outlines four concrete ways funders can invest in leaders of color during times of transition.
In this webinar, we’ll discuss four ways philanthropy can support proximate leaders during leadership transitions:
- Lengthen the funding runway, providing flexible unrestricted grants
- Build the visibility and platform of leaders and connect them networks
- Support peer exchange, mentorship, executive coaching, and leader wellbeing
- Support targeted, self-directed capacity building for leaders as well as enhanced supports for boards and teams
- Dorothy Jones, Principal, The Bridgespan Group
- Nate Wong, Partner, The Bridgespan Group
- Carmita Semaan, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, The Surge Institute
- Zoila Jennings, Impact Investment Lead, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Kim Dempsey, Former Kresge Foundation and Capital Markets Executive, Housing Partnership Network