March 27, 2024 1:00 PM EST

Webinar: AI and the Social Sector: Everything you ever wanted to know (but were too afraid to ask)

There’s no avoiding the conversation. Everywhere you turn, AI dominates headlines.

But what does AI *really* mean for the social sector?

How do we *actually* navigate this new technology so that we take advantage of its benefits while reducing its harms?

At the very least, how do we cut through the jargon and the hype to understand AI well enough to hold our own at a dinner party?

This webinar will address *practical questions* we hear from changemakers in the social sector, such as:
  • Is all this hype real? How is this not just blockchain again?
  • Yeah, I know ChatGPT can “help my organization write reports,” but how would I *actually* customize AI for my work? Should I even try?
  • AI is incompatible with racial equity. Full stop. Why would we think of doing anything but eliminating it?
  • I have no tech team, no data, and my staff is at 200% capacity. Why would I entertain this sci-fi stuff?
We will also offer *constructive guidance* and framing around:
  • Balancing innovation with responsibility
  • Making AI work for our values, not someone else’s
  • Engaging in conversations about AI in a way that cuts through the jargon
  • What a future for social sector AI can look like
Watch this on-demand webinar if you have questions about AI in your work as a nonprofit leader and if you’ve been unsatisfied with the answers you’ve gotten so far.

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