December 16, 2019

Does Your Nonprofit Need an Operating Model Refresh?

This operating model diagnostic asks seven questions that will help your nonprofit assess the performance of your current operating model and determine whether it is holding you back from reaching your strategic goals.

Every nonprofit has an operating model that serves as the bridge between the organization’s strategy and practice. These models consist of four familiar, interrelated elements: structure and accountabilities, management systems, ways of working, and enablers (talent, technology, etc.) Viewed as the sum of their parts, operating models are the blueprint for how to organize and deploy people and resources to translate strategy into results.

But how do you know when it’s time to revamp your organization’s operating model? Our diagnostic can help. By answering seven questions, you’ll assess the performance of your current operating model. It will help you determine whether your operating model is it is holding you back from reaching your strategic goals. To download the diagnostic and learn more, see “Operating Models: How Nonprofits Get from Strategy to Results.”)


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