November 14, 2011

The Give Smart #30DayDonorChallenge: 30 Simple and Practical Ways to Jumpstart Your Philanthropy This Giving Season

This week’s theme focuses on great relationships with grantees. Today, we challenge you to “double a grant to an exceptional grantee” to show your appreciation for their hard work.

By: Susan Wolf Ditkoff

This fall, I found myself drawn to the 30 days of GOOD challenge, a campaign that inspires readers to do one specific and actionable “good” thing each day. I recently wrote to my colleagues about how I liked its simplicity—Give three compliments. Send a postcard to someone. Ask someone for advice, and take it. And it was easy to stay up to date: I followed GOOD on Twitter (@GOOD), and the ideas came in little nuggets to my twitter feed. I tried to do as many as I could. (Though I also confessed that in candor, I fell short on mailing a postcard. Who has stamps anymore! I took a lot of teasing for that one, and a page of stamps from a sympathetic colleague.)


So inspired by the example of 30 days of GOOD, and mindful that many Americans turn their attention to philanthropy during the holiday giving season, we at Give Smart thought we’d try our own campaign. We’re calling it the #30DayDonorChallenge. Each weekday, we’ll tweet a challenge on how to make your philanthropy just a little more effective. You’ll find the challenge here each day, or sign up via RSS feed or email in the box to the right on that page. You'll also find these tweets and more on Twitter at @BridgespanGroup under #30DayDonorChallenge.

These suggestions are intended to be fun, but are also drawn from our decade-plus experience working with philanthropists and the nonprofits who often (well, sometimes) love them. Why are we doing this? Donors often talk about the big impact their grantees are having and the big impact that they’d like to have with them. But sometimes, the "little things" we say or do can create profound changes.


Thanks for participating: Please re-tweet widely, join the conversation by posting your thoughts and comments below or on the #30DayDonorChallenge blog, and have fun!

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