October 29, 2018

Effective Large-Scale Philanthropy Resource Center

Multimillion-dollar philanthropic investments are a powerful way to advance social change. But identifying the best ways to engage in effective large-scale philanthropy can be challenging. The resources below, developed over The Bridgespan Group's years of experience in philanthropy consulting and advising, offer guidance for philanthropists seeking to achieve ambitious goals with their giving.  

Making Big Bets for Social Change
Why does such a large aspiration gap exist between what donors say they would like to achieve with their philanthropy and where they actually make their biggest bets? And how can we close it?

Conversations with Remarkable Givers
An unprecedented collection of more than 1,300 videos, drawn from nearly 70 interviews with philanthropists and foundation leaders, including Michael J. FoxRatan TataMelinda GatesTed TurnerJennifer and Peter BuffettRohini NilekaniDavid RubensteinJean and Steve CaseJane SiebelsDarren Walker and many more. Our interviewees discuss offer philanthropy advice on topics such as involving family, choosing which causes to support, working with grantees, and measuring results.

Getting Started in Philanthropy
There is no "one-sized fits all" progression of resources for donors getting started or ramping up their giving. Because of this, we offer materials in various formats that all share a strategic orientation. This short guide pulls together our top resources for donors seeking to ramp up their philanthropy.

Philanthropy Resource Library
An extensive listing of our most valuable philanthropic resources, covering a wide range of topics from getting started in your philanthropy; measuring the success of your philanthropic endeavors; collaborating with your grantees, other philanthropists, and government; as well as links to videos of well-known philanthropists explaining their own motivations, approaches, and experience.

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