Effective Philanthropy: Get the Job Done
(March 2, 2017)The complex nature of philanthropy and the ambitions of philanthropists require anchoring on an end-goal and being agile in attaining it. Read more >>
Gearing Up for Success
(February 28, 2017)For effective philanthropy, knowing what one is trying to achieve is essential to getting results; one must also realise that getting there is a deceptively difficult process. Read more >>
Effective Philanthropy: The Driving Beliefs
(February 24, 2017)The reality is that all philanthropy is personal. If you are committed to making a real change in the world, you will want to start by clarifying your aspirations. Read more >>
'Give Smart' Approach to Philanthropy
(January 20, 2017)The new type of philanthropist is not only interested in giving money, but has a plan for making social impact and is willing to invest time and expertise toward achieving it. Read more >>