Ari Gandolfo

Senior Manager, Washington DC Hub, Boston

Ari Gandolfo is a senior manager in Bridgespan’s Boston office and Washington DC hub. He joined the firm with more than ten years of experience working with nonprofits, foundations, and government agencies to support community development and economic mobility. At Bridgespan, he focuses on economic mobility and workforce, education, and democracy and good governance work. He has worked with organizations such as Harlem Children’s Zone, SkillUp, Chiefs for Change, and Blue Meridian Partners. Recently, Ari co-authored "Navigating Political Uncertainty: Scenario Planning for Nonprofits During This US Election Year" (, 2024).

Prior to Bridgespan, Ari lived in Zambia and worked for IDinsight, where he led diverse teams to conduct tailored research and advising to improve the effectiveness of education, health, and social assistance programs. Past clients and partners include the Government of Malawi, GIZ, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, the African Enterprise Challenge Fund,, and the Global Innovation Fund. Previously, Ari managed a global initiative to foster peer learning among policymakers to advance the use of data and evidence in government decision making. He has also consulted for USAID, the U.S. State Department, and the Brazilian Ministry of Social Development.

Ari earned his Bachelor’s degree in International Relations at Pomona College and his Master’s in Global Development at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. He served in the Peace Corps in Mozambique and as a Fulbright Fellow in Indonesia. He now lives in Washington, DC.

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